Wednesday, May 11, 2005


A Question to Think About & Discuss..
Are you proud to be Kuwaiti, or are you grateful to be so?

This question was inspired by a remark the German President -which is a ceremonial position- said in the 1990s. He said I'm not proud to be German, but I'm grateful.
How about you?


بومريوم said...

و الله سؤالك صعب..

هل فى انسان تقدر تطلق عليه كويتى؟ او هل لنا صفات مشتركه؟
احنا صرنا جماعات و احزاب و كل مجموعه لها لون و شكل

iDip said...

Short Answer: BOTH

Not-So-Long Answer: I'm proud because of what I stand for & believe in as a Kuwaiti, as well as being prouder when I talk about my country the proper way that any Kuwaiti must talk.

I'm grateful due to what Kuwait possesses and provides from the comfort of life, good manners, ethics, ease of living and the most wonderful parents in the whole world I have & cherish.

Finally, when I look around in Kuwait (to people not places), and notice things that must be changed, I try the best IN MY ENDEAVOUR to change, not by -and I do regretfully say it- going around and cursing my fellow citizens and 'defame' them!
Because in this sense: I'll be a self-hating Kuwaiti that brings evil to his country & himself.

One more thing to remember: criticism is not always a good thing, to conduct it in a proper manner is the way to add value to it, like who works in PR, Advertisement or Marketing: He/She promotes something that may not be as good as he/she states, but some will be convinced, why? It’s the way he/she did it.

Nooni said...

i will be proud one day soon inshallah but till now i am really really greatefull to a kuwaiti.

Shurouq said...

I want to say neither, but I'm not sure I should.

رشيد الخطار said...

First I have to say I'm not judging anyone from their answers, there's no right or wrong..

So ur only grateful? Not proud?

السؤال بسيط.. هل أنت فخور بأنك كويتي، أو شاكر بأنك كويتي؟
خل نقول كويتي بجنسيتك.. لا داعي أن نتكلم عن الأحزاب والجماعات..

I'm not so sure about the "not offending" part..

Dont you think that constructive criticism is what moves societies forward? Thus it is important? Do you think that anyone that criticizes his/her own country is self hating?
Welcome to my space :)

a7la answer.. elaborate please.. why soon?

There's nothing that you "should" or "shouldn't" do.. do u honestly think that ur neither proud nor grateful?

Nice to see you :)
I like the answer, very straight to the point..

The thing is, being Kuwaitis as vintage said means having a lot of benifits.. mainly material stuff.. but is that what we want when we have no freedom?
The German President that I referred to said that he isn't proud because of his nation's history, so he stayed with grateful..
When you're proud you are automatically grateful, so lets not answer with "Both".. either this or that..