Thursday, April 14, 2005

Religious suffering is the expression of real suffering and at the same time the protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, as it is the spirit of spiritless conditions. It is the opium of the people.

The abolition of religion as people's illusory happiness is the demand for the real happiness. The demand to abandon illusions about their conditions is a demand to abandon a condition which requires illusions. The criticism of religion is thus in embryo a criticism of the value of tears whose halo is religion.


مبتدئ said...

Sadaqa Karl MARX

I have trouble comprehending this sentence:

"The demand to abandon illusions about their conditions is a demand to abandon a condition which requires illusions."


Shurouq said...

Interesting and thorough, but pretty outdated, or isn't it?

رشيد الخطار said...

While reading, those two paragraphs were min a7la ma kuteb..

Bikhtisar what he's saying is religion is what gives us comfort, its an illusion that keeps telling us that while our life is shitty, its ok. Don't do anything about it, coz you will have a better life later (bl afterlife)..

He's saying ina the demand to abandon the illusion of religion, is a demand to abandon our shitty life, and chose progress. In other words, religion is not allowing us to develop and work towards what is better,, because its an illusion that always makes us feel better about ourselves.. So the demand to abandon religion, is not for the sake of abandoning religion, but rather to abandon the conditions that we live in to ones that are better.

Afa, why would u think so?
I think there is no expiration date on such great ideas ;)

Shurouq said...

I was only teasing you.. :)
For someone who still reads Kirkegaard religiously and enjoy is, I can't call Marx outdated.

Shurouq said...

"Religiously" was the wrong term to use here lol

Thanks for passing my salam to dr. Najma :)

Unknown said...

The problem is this. The condition which requires illusions is mortality. Because we are mortal, we fear. Because we fear, there is religion, which provides meaning, both healthy, important meaning, and unhealthy, coddling meaning, to various people's lives.

There is no abandoning mortality. Death is a condition of "agence."

Shurouq said...

Ahem.. Correction: "and enjoys it"

Thank you :)

رشيد الخطار said...

Ya bakhti wallah,, 4 posts 3indi, 7ata lo bl ghala6 :P
I've never read Kierkegaard, it would be interesting if you can offer us some insight :)
o about Dr. Najma, tamreen amer :)

analysis of the book of robotic mind:
Interesting take, very true I must add. Thanks for stopping by :)

Hazolat said...

لو لم ينزل الله الأديان لكتبه الناس بأنفسهم

many people cannot live without religion. because they cannot imagine, being civilized human beings, that they are going to wind up dead and in the ground just like the rest of creation, like the animals, plants and lifeless rocks. to them life is wasted if this was the case. other people need religion to point out what's right or wrong. i believe that as long as you use your common sense and do whats right, then you've achieved religions real intent for you.